Since beginning of September 2011, our students have the opportunity to start studying the english language in class 4. This change offers our students the chance learning the english language three years longer than before.
Since the 60s' of the 20th century our school exists. During the political and economical transition-process of the 90s, the profile of the school changed into focusing on foreign languages. During the 90s several foreign languages were taught: Japanese, Korean, French, English, Russian and German. The name of the school changed from 'school 20' to 'school 38'.
In the mid 90s, Germany was searching for one school in Mongolia, specializing on 'German as a foreign language'. From this time, only German (and English) are taught in our school. Since 1998 Germany is supporting the school in finance fields (project supporting), in material and media sectors (maps, books, equipment, ...) and by sending experts from Germany (teachers of the 'Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen' and volunteers). When our school in 2010 got a partner-school of the Humboldt-University in Berlin, it also changed its name into “Alexander-von-Humboldt Schule”.
About 1000 pupils visit our school. They are taught by around 50 teachers. Foreign languages are: English and German. The German language is the foreign language of first choice - pupils start learning German from first class with three lessons German a week. When students get into fifth grade, they study German four times a week. From class five, pupils have the opportunity to tart learning the English language.
We also offer the opportunity to complete the DSD-1 (Deutsches Sprachdiplom 1). As it follows the standards of the European Framework of Reference for Languages, it is the language-certificate, which is accepted by schools and universities around Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
In the last decades, mongolian pupils graduated after visiting school nine, respectively ten years. In 2007 the 11th grade was implemented into the mongolian school-system. In future, as the plan of the Mongolian government says, children will have the chance to go to school for twelve school-years.